Melinda’s Story

"My husband works six days a week and all of our extended family lives a long way away. I had no family support. "

Having four children under four-and-a-half (two of them being 12 week old twins) I literally needed help with everything, I had no time to clean the house, do basic chores like laundry, and it was a constant juggling act with two babies who both wanted to be held all of the time. My husband works six days a week and all of our extended family lives a long way away. I had no family support. I was feeling absolutely overwhelmed. I didn’t know how I would cope, trying to manage the children, house and work from home while retaining my sanity.
Things are infinitely better thanks to my volunteer. She comes every Tuesday and spends five hours with us. In that time, I usually fold multiple laundry baskets worth of clothes, do a quick tidy up while she sits with the kids or sometimes we will do the grocery shopping and she helps keep the children from running amok. Today I was particularly exhausted and had a nap while the babies were asleep and she played with the older children. She often hangs out washing for me and is always happy to sit and listen, offering advice on any troubling issues I’m having. Just knowing that I will have a few hours help with all of my young children so I can try and get on top of things, definitely makes a huge difference to my mental health.